Birding Tours Gambia
Explore Nature, One Bird at a Time, All the Time!
Guided Birdwatching in The Gambia

Discover the Wings of
The Gambia
Unlock the Beauty of The Gambia’s Birdlife
Book Your Guided Tour Today

Tendaba River Camp
Tendaba has been privileged to be geographically located just at the right place up river, being about 150 kilometers from Banjul. This makes it a center between Banjul and Georgetown. Rooms at Tendaba range from basic to more luxorious with sea views and airconditioning.
Habitats at Tendaba range from the airfield to creeks, farm lands, savanna bush and includes Kiang West National Park. Two days may be needed to cover all habitats.
Target birds include – Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, Bronze-winged Courser, Goliath Heron, Blue Flycatcher, African Finfoot, Pel’s Fishing Owl, Temminck’s Courser , Standard-winged Nightjar. More common birds can be seen as well. It may also be possible to see some animals such as Patas monkeys, troops of Guinea Baboons, Warthog, Antelope and others

Kiang West National Park
This national park is very big. It measures about 110 square kilometers and was gazetted in 1978. Hopefully most of the animals in The Gambia can be found in this park. Experts from Europe, for example Amstro, have come to this national park doing some research investigating the feasibility of Lions, Giraffes and Rhinos being raised in this park. Due to the park’s size, guides are unable to cover all the park for clients. Bird life is fascinating and over half of the Gambian bird list has been recorded here with numerous numbers of raptors. Some of these birds seen here include – Four-banded Sandgrouse, Green-winged Pylilia, Red-winged Pylilia, White-headed Vulture, Helmet Guineafowl, African Hobby, Common Quail, Quail Plover, Bronze-winged and Temmincks Coursers, Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, White-shouldered Black Tit, Green Wood-hoopoe, White Helmetshrike and many more.

Kotu Bridge and Surroundings
A very famous and well known place for birders coming to the Gambia and also the first place on the itinerary in day one for most guides. For those of you coming to stay around Kotu, you can explore this place in your own time. This is a mix of habitats including the creek, rice fields, potato fields, sewage ponds, cycle track, and the lily pond (which has a photo hide) which usually contains Greater Painted-snipe.
You can also visit Fajara golf course which contains many birds. You will maximize what you see by using a qualified guide.
Kotu Bridge is a good spot to see, and photograph kingfishers. All these areas can be fitted into a full day. A half day to these places can reward you with a list of more than 100 different species. These may include Oriole Warbler, Giant Kingfisher, Blue-breasted, Malachite and the Common Pied Kingfishers, Greater Painted Snipe, Golden Oriole and many more.
Contact Ansu Jawara
The Professor
Read enthusiastic stories from our customers and their birdwatching adventures:
Ansu promised me an unforgettable trip tailor-made to my birds-of-prey wishes. He has actually delivered and greatly exceeded expectations. This man knows his country and his birds!

Wim Bovens
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